Believing in the power of research

Each of us at Ferring contribute to providing innovative solutions to help people live better lives. We devote significant research and development investment to new therapeutics, life cycle management and next generation healthcare solutions.

For more detailed information, please visit the Ferring Science & Innovation Innovation page at: Ferring-Science &

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Helping people live better lives

'Ferring Pharmaceuticals is a research-driven, specialty biopharmaceutical group committed to helping people around the world build families and live better lives. Ferring is a leader in reproductive medicine and maternal health, and in specialty areas within gastroenterology and urology. Ferring has been developing treatments for mothers and babies for over 50 years'.
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'Wij zijn op zoek naar partijen en vernieuwende ideeën om de patiëntenzorg, inclusief het gebruik van medicatie, te verbeteren. Als alle belanghebbenden binnen een zorgtraject hierin samenwerken, is de kans op duurzaam succes het grootst.’

Guido Koster, Associate Director Contracting & Market Access Germany & Netherlands.
